New1-Titanium G23 Internally Threaded Labret with Crystal/CZ Ball
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  • @PVD color
  • @Gauge(mm)
  • @Stone

Terms and Conditions
Shipping: 4-6 Weeks


@PVD color HP or BK or GD or RG or WG
@Gauge(mm) 16GA/1.2mm or 14GA/1.6mm or 18GA/1.0mm
@Length (mm) 4mm or 5mm or 6mm or 7mm or 8mm or 9mm or 10mm or 12mm or 14mm or 16mm
@Ball Size (mm) Ball-2mm or Ball-2.5mm or Ball-3mm or Ball-4mm or 5mm or 6mm or 8mm
@Stone Crystal-CC or Crystal-CR or Crystal-JB or Crystal-LS or Crystal-SM or Crystal-LA or Crystal-AM or Crystal-FA or Crystal-RS or Crystal-LR or Crystal-PD or Crystal-AQ or Crystal-BZ or Crystal-SP or Crystal-LP or Crystal-LH or Crystal-EM or Cubic Zirconia-CC or Cubic Zirconia-AB or Cubic Zirconia-BK or Cubic Zirconia-OR or Cubic Zirconia-RD or Cubic Zirconia-VL or Cubic Zirconia-AM or Cubic Zirconia-CP or Cubic Zirconia-PK or Cubic Zirconia-EM or Cubic Zirconia-SP or Cubic Zirconia-TB or Cubic Zirconia-GD or Cubic Zirconia-LG